Basic Level Overview

The following courses must be completed in the basic level program:




Beginning 1: €495 

none, we recommend a visit to an introductory workshop

30 Course Hours 

Beginning 2: €545

Beginning 1

10 given Sessions

30 Course Hours
1 Tutorial –  € 65 / 85* 

Wearing the Gi is recommended

Anatomy: fee varies          

Can be completed online or with other institutions, recommended before Intermediate 1, required for completion of Basic Level

15-18 Course Hours

Intermediate 1: €595 

Beginning 1 & 2

1 Case Study
20 given Sessions

30 Course Hours
1 Tutorial –  € 85*

Wearing the Gi is required

Completion of 

Basic Level

Beginning 1 & 2, Anatomy, Intermediate 1

1 Case Study , 20 given Sessions 

15 Practise Classes – €30 each

10 Hours Peer Group or further course hours (repeated courses/enhancement workshops)

4 Sessions from 2 different COC/COIs (€ 65 / 85*)

It is recommended that you take a course with Ohashi

make-up of all missed units

Practical Exam € 85*

External Written Exam (if last course is more than 1 year ago) – € 35

Issuance of the certificate from New York – € 50

* by Senior Instructor