Affiliated Ohashiatsu Schools worldwide

Ohashiatsu® in Austria is an affiliate of Ohashiatsu International in New York, as many other schools around the world, listed here.

Ohashi International

Ohashiatsu® / Ohashi Methode Ohashi International is an educational and cultural institute, founded by Wataru Ohashi in 1974 as the Ohashi Institute.

Master Ohashi
This is Ohashi´s personal site, where you can find more about him and his teaching schedule.






USA: Courses and Workshops / Find a Practitioner

Other Partners

Students of Ohashiatsu® in Austria receive a 10% discount on the new acupuncture shiatsu app, an easy-to-use software in different languages that is a great reference for traditional and Masunaga meridians, points and their applications. Please contact us for the promotion code.