Ohashiatsu for Better Sleep

Sleep – the big Yin phase in our daily cycles – is essential for our lives to restore energy, detoxify, and repair the organism and the nervous system. Still, many of us have problems falling and staying asleep. Sleep deprivation, or lack of restful sleep, is one of the biggest health issues of the modern, industrialized world.

In this course, we will have a closer look at what keeps us away from a healthy sleep, what energetic patterns or imbalances are involved, and what we can do to help ourselves and others to a restful sleep. Ohashiatsu is a highly effective way to help with insomnia. You will learn how to work on specific meridians and acupuncture points that promote better sleep, using Ohashiatsu principles and techniques.

Life is a miracle. And Sleep is nature’s health and beauty secret – “a golden chain that ties health and body together.”

This course is open to everyone. No pre-requisites.


This course might be offered in-person or online.

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