The Power of Ohashiatsu Movement

Ohashiatsu is like a meditative dance.

Ohashiatsu is ease, is lightness, is flow. While we help others to balance their energy, we do something for our own well-being. We as practitioners are feeling better and better through our work. That is because of the way we move and because we are meditating while we work. Both are essential. Only when your movement is without effort you can relax.

In this 5-week workshop series you will learn the basics of the Ohashiatsu movement, step by step.

Here are our topics of the 5 Lessons:

  • #1 Leaning
  • #2 Crawling
  • #3 Cross-Patterning
  • #4 Moving from Hara
  • #5 Continuity

In each of these classes we will cover theory, exercises, meditation and feedback about your practice. You will get video material to watch and practice between the lessons. Your experience will be discussed in the next live session. For immediate feedback and questions you will be part of a WhatsApp group.


  • Each week you will receive a training video that shows the techniques in detail.
  • You have time during the week to get together with a partner and practice.
  • On Sunday mornings we meet on Zoom for our live sessions, where you get feedback on your practice and where the theory for next week’s topic will be presented.
  • You are invited to a WhatsApp group, where you could post short videos about your practice, ask questions, and exchange your experience with your fellow students. By continuously sharing with your colleagues and teacher you keep learning also during the week.
  • It is highly recommended to attend all Zoom sessions. However, you will also get the recordings, so you can still follow, even if you can’t always attend live.

This course is extremely helpful for all forms of bodywork, and even for daily life. No preconditions required.

This course might be offered in-person or online.

Are you interested?