Beginning 1 (Home-Study Course)


with Margarete Eller, COI

You will get video material to study with.
Choose between 3 versions of this course.

Course langauge: English


Ohashiatsu is not only for “receivers”, but also to keep the “giver’s” body healthy. In this home-study course, you will learn the basics of this unique modality.

Inner strength, outer grace…

“Don’t press – just be there” is the first principle of Ohashiatsu. “Being rather than doing”. This way you can fully relax and enjoy moving about the partner’s body. Instead of working hard, you naturally fall into meditation, connecting deeply with yourself and your partner.

Master Ohashi has created this technique so that it benefits both, the giver and receiver. Like in Tai Chi you are balancing and rejuvenating your energy through your movement. You improve your own health while helping someone else to feel better. When you are relaxed it actually makes the session more effective and more comfortable for the receiver.

This 5-weeks online course will teach you how to give a full body session. It’s a well-balanced mix of theory, practical application, meditation, and physical exercises.

You will learn

  • the fundamental principles of Ohashiatsu as they apply to bodywork and, more importantly, to every aspect of life
  • how to feel the life force or Ki energy flow in the body
  • the concept of Yin and Yang
  • the meaning and use of the “Hara”
  • locations and main functions of all 12 meridians
  • some of the major tsubos (acupoints)
  • Ohashiatsu techniques in supine and prone positions.

What you need:

  • A padded floor for your practice, about 6 x 6 feet or 2 x 2 meters – this could be a futon or mat, a thick carpet, or simply a few blankets piled up, comfortable enough for your knees to crawl on.
  • Best to have a friend or family member with you, for partner exercises and to practice on.
  • Have your computer or electronic device set up so that you can easily watch the videos while moving around. There are small chunks of videos for different topics, and you can always stop and repeat.

The complete home-study course (full version), combined with an in-person tutorial, qualifies to continue with Ohashiatsu Beginning 2.

Additional information


Full course, Reduced Version, Techniques only


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